Hướng dẫn móc bó hoa hồng bằng len 8/3

Móc hoa hồng tặng mẹ, chị, em gái và tự tặng mình :)), còn bạn nam nào biết móc thì tặng người yêu nhé, sẽ tạo sự bất ngờ cho cô ấy đấy (chắc hiếm có quá), hoặc làm bó hoa cầm tay cô dâu nhé, sẽ tạo được sự cá tính, độc đáo và thể hiện tình yêu với móc len handmade

Móc bằng len cototon việt nam chập đôi hoặc len milk, Nhật, Hàn nhé.

Large Roses (hoa hồng lớn)
5.0mm hook (H)
medium weight cotton (70.9g)

1. Leave long tail (18-24”) and chain 27
(chừa đuôi dài và móc 27 bính)

2. Skip first space and sc into second space from hook, * ch1 (skipping a space) and sc into next space. Repeat from* till end. This will give you 13 holes or spaces
( móc mũi đơn vào bính thứ 2, 1 bính bỏ 1 chân, mũi đơn vào chân tiếp theo, cứ lặp lại như vậy. Được 13 lỗ)

3. Turn, into the first three spaces crochet 3sc and 1sl st, giving you 3 petals. Make sure you are crocheting into the next space, space will be divided by the sc of previous row
(Quay lại, móc 3 mũi đơn vào lỗ 1, mũi dời vào chân mũi đơn, rồi lặp lại lặp lại 3 lần)

4. Into the next 4 spaces crochet 3hdc and 1sl st, giving you 5 more petals
( móc 3 mũi nửa kép vào lỗ thứ 4, mũi dời vào chân mũi đơn, lặp lại 5 lần)

5. Into each of the remaining spaces crochet 3dc and 1sl, giving you 5 more petals. Fasten off leaving short tail (approx. 4-6”)
(Những khoảng trống còn lại móc 3 mũi kép, mũi dời vào chân mũi đơn, 5 lần. chiết hết, chừa dây khoảng 4-6 inch)

6. Insert long tail into embroidery needle and begin to wind up petals to create the rosette. Stitch together at the bottom as you go along. I recommend stitching after your first three petals are rounded and then for every additional petal placement so that you can control exactly what your flower will look like. After bottom is secure, weave the needle through the base of the flower to give petal placement more security.

7. Secure with knot when done and leave tails to secure to finished piece. I use both tails to secure and tie them together and then use the long tail to tack the rosette into place. Weave in ends and cut short when done.

There is no right or wrong way to secure the flowers, you can wind them either way and make them as tight as you want… you will just achieve a different look. Theflowers below are both made from the large rose pattern.

Medium Roses
5.0mm hook (H)
medium weight cotton (70.9g)
Leave long tail (12-18”) and chain 21
Skip first space and sc into second space from hook, * ch1 (skipping a space) and sc into next space. Repeat from* till end. This will give you 10 holes or spaces
Turn, into the first three spaces crochet 3sc and 1sl st, giving you 3 petals
Into each of the remaining spaces crochet 3hdc and 1sl st, giving you 7 more petals. Fasten off leaving short tail (approx. 4-6”)
Insert long tail into embroidery needle and begin to wind up petals to create the rosette. Stitch together at the bottom as you go along. I recommend stitching after your first three petals are rounded and then for every additional petal placement so that you can control exactly what your flower will look like.
Secure with knot when done and leave tails to secure to finished piece. I use both tails to secure and tie them together and then use the long tail to tack the rosette into place. Weave in ends and cut short when done.

Small Roses and Sweetheart Roses

Small Rosettes
4.0mm hook (G) (may use a 4.25mm as well)
medium weight cotton (70.9g)
Leave long tail (12-18”) and chain 17
Skip first space and sc into second space from hook, * ch1 (skipping a space) and sc into next space. Repeat from* till end. This will give you 8 holes or spaces
Turn, into the first three spaces crochet 3sc and 1sl st giving you 3 petals
Into the next 4 spaces crochet 3hdc and 1sl st giving you 5 more petals. Fasten off leaving short tail (approx. 4-6”)
Insert long tail into embroidery needle and begin to wind up petals to create the rosette. Stitch together at the bottom as you go along. I recommend stitching after your first three petals are rounded and then for every additional petal placement so that you can control exactly what your flower will look like.
Secure with knot when done and leave tails to secure to finished piece. I use both tails to secure and tie them together and then use the long tail to tack the rosette into place. Weave in ends and cut short when done.

Sweetheart Rosettes
4.0mm (G) hook
These rosettes are made with a thinner, 50g, cotton
Leave long tail (12-18”) and chain 15
Skip first space and sc into second space from hook, * ch1 (skipping a space) and sc into next space. Repeat from* till end. This will give you 7 holes or spaces
Turn, into each space crochet 3sc and 1sl st, giving you 8 petals. Fasten off leaving short tail (approx. 4-6”)
Insert long tail into embroidery needle and begin to wind up petals to create the rosette. Stitch together at the bottom as you go along. I recommend stitching after your first three petals are rounded and then for every additional petal placement so that you can control exactly what your flower will look like.
Secure with knot when done and leave tails to secure to finished piece. I use both tails to secure and tie them together and then use the long tail to tack the rosette into place. Weave in ends and cut short when done.


Medium Leaf
4.0mm hook (G) (may use a 4.25mm as well)
medium weight cotton (70.9g)

1. Chain 9

2. Turn and sc across <8>

3. Turn and crochet as follows, 1dc in 1st st, 2dc in next st, 2dc in next st, 1dc in next st, 1hdc in next st 1sc in next st, 1sc in next st, 1sl t in last st <11>

4. At top, ch2 and sl st into same sp

5. Crochet opposite side as follows, 1sl st in 1st st, 1sc in next st, 1sc in next st, 1hdc in next st, 1dc in next st, 2dc in next st, 2dc in next st, 1dc in last st <11>

6. Sl st into base of leaf and fasten off, tie knot with other tail and leave long for fastening to finished piece

Small Leaf
4.0mm hook (G) (may use a 4.25mm as well)
medium weight cotton (70.9g)

Chain 6
Turn and sc across <5>
Turn and crochet as follows 1hdc in 1st st, 2hdc in next st, 1sc in next st, 1sc in next st, 1sl st in last st <6>
At top, ch2 and sl st into same sp
Crochet opposite side as follows, 1sl st in 1st st, 1sc in next st, 1sc in next st, 2hdc in next st, 1hdc in last st <6>
Sl st into base of leaf and fasten off, tie knot with other tail and leave long for fastening to finished piece

Assemble Flowers and Leaves

1. Cut wire and yarn approx. 18” per flower

2. weave yarn and wire through underneath of flower (I used two different brands of wire, one was stiff and could be pushed through the bottom of the flower, the other was thinner and had to be weaved through with an embroidery needle

3. pull through till flower is in center and bend wire and yarn in half

4. keeping one strand of yarn and one piece of wire together on either side, give a good twist as close as possible to flower and continue to twist all the way down, keeping one strand and one piece of wire on one half and the other strand of yarn and wire on the other half

5. for leaves, you will already have two long strands so you will only need to pass the wire through the base of the leave and
complete the same way as the flower

6. Repeat with another flower or leave and then twist the two finished pieces together in the same fashion

7. You can arrange these components in any fashion you desire. Some that I did were one flower and one leaf, two small flowers, one larger flower and one small flower, and two leaves. Do not worry about these steps being too neat, it will all be covered over
when done

Some of the flowers and leaves can be left as singles, there is no right or wrong here, just different results. I did about two thirds of the pieces doubles and about one third singles, I even did a couple triples.

Once all of these pieces are completed you are ready to assemble your boutique

Assemble Boutique

1. Simply bunch up the finished pieces and arrange them how you would like them to lay, try to keep them as natural as possible looking, just like real flowers would lie

2. Wrap them together, securing them with a long strand of green cotton. Do not worry about the neatness here. It will all be covered in the next step, just make sure it is secure

3. Cut the ends of stems evenly and neatly to the desired finished length

4. Use your choice of ribbon (½ -1” works best) to wrap the entire “stem” portion of your flower bundle. Start by wrapping around the middle and tying the ribbon in one knot, leaving one end approximately 12” long, being wrapping the other half from the middle down wrapping over the other end one time to secure in place. Once you get to the bottom begin to wrap back up, this part will show so be sure to be neat, cover over the long end in the other direction one time, and wrap to top. When you get to the top begin your wrap back down to the middle, when you reach the other end stop and tie into a knot. Tie knot into a neat bow and you are finished.

Assemble Boutonniere

1. Assemble boutonniere components the same way as flower components. I used one sweetheart rosette and one small rosette with one small leaf.

2. Cut to desired length and wrap finished stem in ribbon. Tie knot at top, directly below flower, wind your way down the stem and slightly past the bottom edge. Wrap back up neatly. Tie a bow in the back of the boutonniere to finish. Use a long boutonniere pin to attach to lapel

I hope you enjoyed making this bridal boutique with me. Stay tuned for more bridal flower patterns and tutorials.

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